Friday, March 19, 2010


assalamualaikum and morning guys..

today, i want to talk about money..well, money is not everything but everything needs money..huhu..even u have to pay 2o cents to the loo..guys....please help to spend money wisely? i've been monitoring my spending for last few months but still my salary seems not enough to cater my needs..OMG..i want to be a grateful person for what i have now but still I need to do something to makesure everything is under control..I try to save some money but then, in the end i'll spend them for my needs..It is not for entertainment coz, i haven't watching movies and shopping for last few months..huhu..Money, where are u? And, the most important thing is, I afraid if something come up and we need a big amount of money then we dont have saving..OMG..It is a really serious matter..I write this just to share with u guys the things that playing on my mind for quite a long time..Okay..I feel better now..Thanks for reading..see ya..

p/s: I'll pray to God to give us strength to face obstacles in our life..Amiin..


  1. Aku pun menghadapi masalah yang agak sama bet tapi alhamdulillah setakat tok, aku gik boleh simpan duit every month..
    aku sikda cara efisien nak sajes dengan kau, tapi cara aku, aku ada dua account, lepas duit gaji aku masuk, aku akan calculate berapa keperluan, berapa bil, berapa belanja bulan and baki aku transfer terus masuk account kedua [yang sik ku polah online bagi mengelakkan ku mala reload henpon].. duit yang aku transfer masuk dlm account ke dua sik boleh ku kaco unless benar2 necessary. maok disiplin kuat lah..

    ya jak bet..semoga kita akan sama-sama lebih maju dalam nyimpan duit :)

  2. mun ko takut something happen n merlu duit..sign up insurans lah..mun x pun ko loan duit pasya masuk lam asb boh kaco..tiap2 bulan ko byr kat bank..kira saving juak ya.

  3. lynn and sue: kepada anda sy mengucapkan terima kasih kerana memberi buah fikiran yg mgkin bakal saya ikut untuk perbelanjaan pd masa yg akan dtg..anyway..thank u guys..muah2
