Sunday, January 8, 2023


Hi. Im, m back. 2023 be kind to me. Amin.
By the way, i have confessed my love towards someone. Yes he is D... For some reason, we can't be tgt. I'm thankful and grateful that he did confessed something too. Anyway, we are still friend. And I love u D.. You will always got that special part in my heart. Thanks for being my friend D.

Friday, June 10, 2022

i miss you❤️

I don't know but deep in my heart i feel love. I'm not sure myself. But, its you who made me feel this way. It seems so near yet so far with you. I can feel it even you didn't show but don't make me wait too long. I'm exhausted. 
Love u D.. 

Thursday, August 27, 2020



Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Can't sleep😅


Now is 2am in the morning and I can't sleep. I got mix feeling and maybe that's the reason why I can't sleep.

My youngest brother and wifey just got a bundle of joy while ago. It's a girl. Welcome to the world baby. Alhamdulillah. Everything is ok. The mom and the baby, both are healthy.

And, out of nowhere, I just miss him today. The one I got crush with. Haha. Funny right? Hopefully, he misses me too. 😝🙈 The one that I just knew as a new staff but never talk to him. We had a chance to work tgt in one occasion, but it's all about work. One day, I caught him looking at me during one office dinner. And I got the chance to take a photo with him.

And, we went out for karaoke several times. And lil did I knew, my feeling grows stronger but not so sure since I am not confident about his. Well for now, I think its good to have crush 😜😜

And good news today, I welcomed new member in my business team Amway. 9f God will, my business will grows stronger this year just like my feeling towards him. Hahaha 😅

Okie. Done for today. I feel sleepy and Good nite peeps. Sweet dreams

🥰🥰Zakinah 🥰🥰

Friday, June 5, 2020

chaiyok V(^ ^)V

Hai. Assalamualaikum.
Its been a while I didn't write here. Anyway,sometime blogging is when u want to talk to someone but there is no one to talk to.So,at this moment I have decided to write. I love travelling but when it comes to think about money that u need to spend for travel, mmm, my head will stuck and I will feel sad.. HUHUHU. Anyway, I have shown to this biz opportunity by my Architect who I've worked with before. The biz is AMWAY. I really love how Amway appreciate their distributors by MONEY and TRAVEL. OMG, I love both..hahahaha. So, I have started my biz about 1 year ago and this biz is not as simple as I see it..Hahahaha. It really challenges u. The result or the outcome from your biz actually is ur reflection of ur attitude. I will try harder not to stop half way doing this biz. I enjoy doing it and love it. I know , Allah will helps people who really work hard to achieve their dream. And I will go for it whatever it takes. Never Give Up. CHAIYOK ZAKINAH. U CAN DO IT
Selamat Hari Raya everyone. And Selamat Ari Gawai. #covEid2020

1st of all, I would like to express my gratitude towards Allah for the life I'm having now. Just started my new job at new place last November 2019. I would say, that is one of my BIG decision in life. I'm still in a learning progress but I'm catching up.🥰

And, for my business life, Amway, it has become better and better. More people to be helped. And I do hope and pray to Allah, I'll become a great leader and achieve certain level soon🥰 Amin

Well, Mr Right as usual, in searching mode😅. I met one actually , and still getting to know him better. He is tall, Chinese look and he shared the same hobby as mine, which is Karaoke. But, I still keep option open since i knew that he is comfortable with single life at the moment. Haha. #infoisfromthebestsource Good Luck to meeee. And pray for me ya.

Oh yes. Not to forget, i have a lot of good people around me and I really appreciate that💕💕 And Im grateful to Allah for giving them in my life.

Okie for now.



Thursday, October 24, 2019

My 💙 has gone

Hai and Salam everyone,

Well, from the title of my post, u will know the conclusion of what im going to say here.

To be honest, i fall for this guy name Kendrick. My best friends knew bout him and I enjoy talking bout him.

But, he was a very loyal guy that i've ever known. 💙. Unfortunately, he left this world on 25th June 2019. And he brought part of my heart with him.

Its been about 4 months he left us, but i keep thinking bout him from time to time. Its like, he is away on long vacation.

How I miss him so much..How i miss talking to him. And the best was, all my secrets are save with him. He is the best listener, ive ever have in my life. He never judge anyone.  He is very kind to everyone.

I would like to share  bout him here just because, i am proud to have u in my life even for a while..Allah lent u for me, and I am very grateful for that.

I wish and pray that I can find someone like u. But, i knew  it not that easy. But, i will keep on praying i will find one, one day.

I love u so muchhh Ken. And I miss u.
I will keep on writing about u. In case I miss u. I will reread what ive shared here.

